Monday, September 26, 2011

Starting Over

2011 has been quite a year for me both personally and professionally. It has been one of both exciting changes and disappointing lows, yet despite all of this I've managed to find an inner peace with starting over again in a variety of ways. I published my first book this year, due to be released in October and I've taken my first international trip to London in September. I stood up to corruption and bullies and lost my job as a result, and turned a passion into a potential new career. I've made and eased away from many new friendships and have been preparing myself for that next phase in life. I have no regrets no matter how difficult, trying or downright hard any of this year has been for me I know that it could always be worse and I remain humbled by the continuous new friends I've met thanks to social networking due to interest in my book and a shared love of Tudor history. Starting over may not be easy for anyone at any point, but it can be possible to pick up the pieces  again stronger and even better than ever.

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